22 February 2016

13 February 2016

The Deadline is Approaching

Submissions to the annual photo contest will be accepted until Monday at noon and absolutely no later. Due to an unexpected influx of photographs of cows, the contest organizers regret to announce that no more photographs of cows will be accepted.

Monday at noon. No cows.

08 February 2016

A Report from Delmer, in the Field

"Them boys went up to Groom's Lick and we ain't seen hide nor hair of 'em since. Must be the woods what got 'em."

Thanks, Delmer!

04 February 2016

That is a Flavorful Meat-Ball (Advertisement)


Yes, you can buy meat-balls from Crandall's food cart. Savory and nutritious, they are sure to satisfy. Why not try them on a roll or bun? Crandall operates his cart at all hours of the day, all days of the week, rain or shine. Ask for Crandall, ask for quality.
